5. How Will you Inform Your Program About Your Student's Progress
Reports, journals, and logs will help you keep a record of your student's activities and the progress she is making. Each program develops its own procedure and uses its own forms which they distribute to their volunteers.
Click on the link below to view a sample tutor report form:
In filling out forms and sending reports, please make sure to follow your organization's procedures. This form of communication is extremely important to the organization, both in providing crucial support to you and your student, and reporting outcomes to funders, the lifeline for any nonprofit organization.

Do's and Dont's of Tutor Reports
  1. Do maintain a daily or weekly log of your tutoring activities.
  2. Don't estimate hours or assessments. Ever.
  3. Do send your report in on time.
  4. Do fill out all required fields such as number of meetings per week, hours spent tutoring, hours spent lesson planning, goals met, sessions missed.
  5. Don't assume that if you've missed a reporting deadline that you don't have to send your reports in. Send them in as soon as you are able.
  6. Do notify the organization immediately of any major shifts or changes in your tutoring.
  7. Don't wait for program staff to call you about your reports.


Queen Of My Castle said...

I am looking forward to implementing these forms into our program.

tutorgirl said...

LV of Roanoke Valley seems to have good forms and procedures in place. They appear to be easy to use and should take minimal time to fill out and submit.

Biltz said...

Looks like good process is established, should not be too difficult to execute.

lillian said...

Everything goes onto a log or spreadsheet when it happens. Written reports are important.

Pat said...

Good form. Good way to keep track of progress.

Unknown said...

Forms would not download

neg said...

Reporting progress can help everyone.

Martha said...

I found a tutor report form on the internet which may be helpful to some of you:
The one posted on this site didn't work for me.
I definitely see the usefulness, and more importantly the necessity of reporting the results of our time spent on tutoring, without it all funding would be lost...which translates into...all programs would be terminated. Let's strive to keep good records!

Lynne B said...

I would hope the next session at the center will address all of the reports and answer my questions.

Megan N said...

I'll have to call and get these reports, hopefully I can just drop them at the library!

Anonymous said...

One important lesson. Document, document, document.

TutoringServices said...

Lots of useful info providing here. And your blog full of good info...
tutoring services

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I'll need to ask the preferred method of delivery for all materials.

Unknown said...

In the past, I dated a page for the day of class, wrote in objectives and what would be covered, etc. I tracked my time for preparation for each class and held two-hour classes.

I recorded this weekly on the monthly report and noted any problems or goals met. I e-mailed the report at the end of the month.

It is not really difficult to keep track - just make sure documentation of prep time is well kept.

This part will not be so difficult for me.

MSTATEN said...

My director has explained that we will have to keep up with logging; very imperative that we do so.