8. Congratulations, you have completed your training
Next Steps: Call your local literacy organization and let them know that you have completed this course. You can now begin the process of being matched with a student. Contact your local literacy provider for a certificate. We only print out certificates that are requested by program managers who have evaluated a tutor who has taken this online workshop.
Each adult literacy organization follows a different procedure for matching students and tutors. Some will make the match right away; others might ask you to wait a few weeks as they recruit a student for you or find one that is available during your tutoring hours.
If you are matched right away, you will use the information you learned in this workshop immediately. You may return to this site frequently to review the information you just learned.
For this site we also provide additional links to tutoring strategies, lesson plans, and other materials that you might find useful in the option activities and links.
Going Forward: Your best resource for tutoring will be your local literacy program. Try some of these ideas:
Ask for an experienced tutor to mentor you. Visit the literacy organization's library. Talk with the program manager to find community resources. Network with a group of tutors to support each other. Read your organization's newsletter for ideas and tutor tips. Join a national organization such as ProLiteracy America.
If you do not live near a literacy program, but you are tutoring a student, click on our website at The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center, http://www.valrc.org/, then click on "Resources" in the tab at the top to access our many literacy and instructional sites.
If you are not continuing this training, please fill out our short survey,which will take 2-5 minutes.Your input will help us with future planning!
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the online training. If you would like a tutoring certificate, please ask your organization's program manager to contact us. We will then send her a certificate to sign and hand to you. Thank you for providing feedback and best wishes for a successful and rewarding tutoring experience.
What a wonderful experience! I am so excited about this being available and that I may incorporate it into our program here!
I enjoyed the online Tutor training and learned a lot of helpful material. I would estimate that the training took closer to 15 hours. I especially enjoyed looking at the various links and extension activities. Those took more time than the actual sections. Still, they are worth looking at for future refernces. It is amazing what is out there!
My mentor suggested that I read selections from both Tutor and Lit Start. It was helpful to view both. If I had been unsupervised, I may have chosen to read only one selection.
I will strongly encourage our tutors to explore this site!
I like the online training, it is easy for me to get out of it what I want. The additional links to resources and optional material are a great tool, however, I found that many of them do not work. It may be that some site maintenance needs to be done.
This is a good on line training course with lots of links and useful information. I look foreward to getting my certificate.
This was my first online training experience. I know I will come back to the site often as there is so much information packed in here.
Hi all, thank you for your suggestions. The links are checked twice a year and currently (5-09) all work from the Resource Center computer. We will endeavor to keep them all active or find comparable links if some go dead.
Congratulations on finishing your coursework!
This has been a good experience. I like the online training as well as the Lit Start book.
Good training. I feel that I will need to come back to the information time and again for ideas and refreshers.
very professionally done. thank-you!
Thank you for taking the time to put this together and for making it free. The tutorial is chock full of information.
Hi all, We have checked the links on 1-27-2012. Please let us know if any no longer work.
vjsanbor@vcu.edu. Thank you!
WOO HOO! I am so excited. It did not take me 14 hours..at all, but I am really excited to have participated in this course! I hope my learner learns some things from me!
YES!!! Completed and ready for the next step!!
Thought provoking, full of new ideas, all in all I really felt this training to be beneficial. I do plan to go back to it when I'm planning for my tutoring sessions (and when I'm planning for any classes I may teach in the future). Thanks.
I'm almost finished the online tutor training and boy am I nervous. It reminds of that saying "don't be afraid, the mouse is more scared of you than you are of it"! What ever! However, it does address this in one of the extended links, that upon your initial tutoring session with your participant, let them know how you're feeling, especially if you're nervous. This helps them identify with you, not as a tutor but as a person who has "feelings" just like they do. It may help them to relax and feel more at ease...like a first date. I'm looking forward to applying the principles and practices I've learned. As I said before in a previous comment, I hope that I can help at least one person accomplish and/or surpass their own goals of expectations.
The training and resources available have been very helpful and informative. I will definitely refer back to the sources available here.
- Audrey
I made it through the volumes of information and survived. Hooray, Hooray, bring on participant.
This was great. This should be a mass email because everyone could benefit from the information presented in this learn aid for tutors.
Very helpful, great overview.
Wahoo! Completed, 6/10/16. ~Regina
A lot of good information. Will definitely be coming back to refresh myself as I go.
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